EKAW 2008 - 16th International Conference on
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Knowledge Patterns

29th September-3rd October 2008 - Acitrezza, Catania, Italy

Important Dates

All dates are to be considered Hawaiian time.

April 14th, 2008
Deadline for research abstract submissions
Deadline for student abstract submissions

April 28st, 2008
Deadline for research and student paper submissions

May 16th, 2008
Deadline for tutorial proposals

June 9th, 2008
Notification of acceptance for research paper submissions
Notification of acceptance for student paper submissions
Notification about tutorial acceptance

June 30th, 2008
Deadline for camera-ready research papers
Deadline for camera-ready student papers

July 1st, 2008
Deadline for poster submissions
Deadline for demo paper submissions

July 20th, 2008
Notification of acceptance for poster submissions
Notification of acceptance for demo submissions

August 22nd, 2008
Deadline for camera-ready tutorial notes and material online
Deadline for camera-ready poster papers
Deadline for camera-ready demo papers

September 29th- October 3rd, 2008
EKAW 2008 Conference